Wat Motors

Sales Wat Motors in France

You can contact us if you wish to receive tender about Wat Motors brand. We will make sure to provide you with the lowest price and shortest delivery time for original and high quality products. Our company would be pleased asssisting you about demanded focus supply in accessories. Wat Motors products fabricate in modern foundations with high technology investments.

Brand products Wat Motors


Bond Ratio: 1 / 260.2 - Max Torque: 6000 Nm. 1.5 kW 1500D / min 220/380 VAC 50 Hz B5 FLASH 90S / L

Q1E 80M6B-40 H

(3-circuit-Mot. In aluminum housing BG 200L 30.0 kW, 2-pole, / min 2965 U., IN 52.5 A Triangle 400 / star 690 V 50 Hz Triangle 460 / Star 795 V 60 Hz IE2 efficiency with 92.2%, 0.85 Cos.f IP 55, insulation class F, RAL 7031 with built-in thermistors PTC 150 ° C IM B3 Terminal box position above Approvals: CE (Europe), Origin Turkey Weight about 147 kg Tariff No. 8501.5200)

Q2E 200L2B-40 H

(3-circuit-Mot. In aluminum housing BG 80M 0:55 kW, 6-pole, / min 920 U., IN 1.85 A Triangle 230 / Star 400 V 50 Hz Triangle 265 / star 460 V 60 Hz IE1 efficiency with 67.0%, 0.63 Cos.f IP 55, insulation class F, RAL 7031 IM B3 Terminal box position above Approvals: CE (EU) origin Turkey Weight 10 kg, tariff no. 8501.5200)

Q2E 200L2C-40 H FY UL

Three-Phase Motor



Typ: TE Q3H FA 90 L2D

Schäfer DS Motor High Efficiency IE3

Q3H200L2D H



Three Phase Squirrel Cage Induction Motor

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